Indicators List

With the help of this function, you can fetch all the indicators and their properties. It takes as parameters, only one callback function. This callback function will be called to provide the entire list of indicators.

function indicatorsData(callback)

Possible Responses:

  • Success

    "RQT":"indicators",                                         // Request Type
    "RQI":"15",                                                 // Request Id
    "RES":"OK",                                                 // Result
    "INDS":[                                                    // Indicators
        "IND": "IND1",                                          // Indicator 1
        "NAME": "SMA",                                          // Name
        "PR": "CLOSE, OPEN, HIGH, LOW, HL                       // Prop1 - Price
            MidPoint, HLC MidPoint, HLCO MidPoint",
        "LNG": "INT[1,MAX]"                                     // Prop2 - Length
        "IND": "IND2",                                          // Indicator 2
        "NAME": "SSTO",                                         // Name
        "LNG": "INT[1,MAX]",                                    // Prop1 - Length
        "KLNG": "FLT[1,MAX]",                                   // Prop2 - KLength
        "DLNG": "FLT[1,MAX]",                                   // Prop3 - DLength
        "UPL": "INT[1,100]",                                    // Prop4 - Up Level
        "DWL": "INT[1,100]"                                     // Prop5 - Down Level
  • Error

    "RQT":"indicators",             // Request Type
    "RQI":"15",                     // Request Id
    "RES":"ERR",                    // Result
    "MSG":"Unknown request"         // Error Message